Martes, Enero 17, 2017

Filipino dish

                         Pinakbet with bagnet 

Image result for pinakbet with bagnet plating

Best Pinoy Dish

Pinakbet Recipe 

Ingredients : 


Servings: Enough for 1 pot of Pinakbet
  • 1 pound pork belly
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 peeled garlic cloves
  • 1 1/2 heaping tablespoons salt
  • Vegetable oil

Servings: 4
  • 1 pound bagnet (see recipe below)
  • 1-2 bitter melons
  • 2 tablespoons Filipino shrimp paste
  • 1 inch ginger, peeled and sliced
  • 1 cup red onion or shallots
  • 1/2 pound of Japanese or Chinese eggplant
  • 1/2 pound okra (or 8-10 pieces)
  • 3 tomatoes, cut into large chunks
  • 4-6 garlic cloves, minced
  • 5 snake beans
  • 1-2 cups winter squash (such as kabocha)
  • 1-2 cups pork broth
  • Dash or two of patis (fish paste)
  • Dash of freshly ground pepper
  • Pinch of sugar

Best Pinoy Dish

Procedure : 

Making the bagnet 

Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 1

Slice the pound of pork belly. Cut the pork belly into thick slices.[4]

Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 2


Place a saucepan on the stove. Add the pork, the two bay leaves, the 3 peeled cloves of garlic, the 1/2 tablespoons of salt, and the chopped onion to the pot. Pour in enough water to cover the pork.[5]

Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 3


Turn the heat on high. When it comes to a boil, turn down the heat. Let it simmer for about an hour. The pork should be fork-tender when done.[6]

Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 4


Pour off the liquid. Place the pork on a baking sheet in a 400 degree Fahrenheit oven. Let it cook for half an hour to dry out the pork.[7]

Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 5


Deep-fry the pork. If you want the pork to crisp up, heat up oil in a pan. Let the pork deep fry until crispy.[8]

Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 6


Chop the pork. Cut the pork into bite-sized pieces. Reserve for the stew.[9]

Cooking the Pinakbet 

Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 7


Cook the shrimp paste. If possible, use the same saucepan you cooked the bagnet in from the recipe below. Place the 2 tablespoons of shrimp paste in the pan, and let it cook for a couple of minutes to release its flavor.[10]

Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 8


Add the 4 to 6 minced garlic cloves, the inch of sliced ginger, and the cup of shallots or onions. Pour in a splash of oil to keep the ingredients from burning. Let them cook until the onions are lightly translucent.[11]

Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 9


Toss in the tomatoes, sugar, pepper, and patis. Add the three tomatoes in large chunks, the pinch of brown sugar, a dash of pepper, and a dash or two of patis. Stir it around for a few minutes.[12]

Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 10


Add the pork and the rest of the vegetables. If you think some of your veggies, such as the eggplant, is too tough, you may need to add it in ahead of the other vegetables.[13]
  • Note that some recipes say to add the pork at the end rather than with the vegetables.[14]
Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 11


Pour in some broth. Only add enough broth to give the vegetables some moisture. You don't want to cover the vegetables with broth.[15]

Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 12


Cook for about 15 minutes. Cover the pot tightly, and let the stew cook for about 15 to 20 minutes. You can toss the vegetables by shaking the pot, but leave the lid on.[16]

Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 13


Check for tenderness. At 15 minutes, check to see if the vegetables are tender. If they are, remove the pot from the stove.[17]

Image titled Cook Pinakbet Step 14


Serve over white rice. Plate the rice with the stew poured over the top.[18]

Interview : 

Wow , Pinakbet is very delicious food. 

➤ Being married to an Ilocano, I have learned to cook a lot of  the best pinoy dishes and  Pinakbet is one of my favorite. I love the taste because of the bagoong.
Yummy ! 

➤Pinakbet is the main favorite dish in the family (both mother and father side).This viand has several versions and one can also add bagnet. I prefer it to "saute"other than just boiling.I used "kamote" than "kalabasa".

➤I love pinakbet . Ilocano's favorite food.It consists of eggplants,okra,squash,string beans, bagoong alamang, and other spices. It is delicious when you added bagnet in your recipe.

➤I love the taste of pinakbet, because of the alamang or bagoong added on it.Sweet and sour then when you added bagnet,it taste delicious.

➤Pinakbet with rice. Yummy !

➤When my relatives from davao visit us, I always serve them a Pinoy best dish called"Pakbet or Pinakbet". They love the taste because it made of Ilocano recipe.

➤My children love these kind of food "Pinakbet",in that way they can eat a lot of vegetables like; okra,squash,eggplant,string beans,amplaya and others. They can get nutrients and vitamins. That's why I prefer to cooked Pinakbet than other dishes. 

Linggo, Enero 8, 2017

   Apo on the wall 
             by; BJ Patino 

1.  There's this man's photo on the wall 
2.  of my father's office at home ,you 
3.  know, where father brings his work,
4.  where he doesn't look strange 
5.  still wearing his green uniform 
6.  and colored breast plates, where,
7.  to prove that he works hard,he 
8.  he also brought a photo of his boss
9.  whom he calls Apo, so Apo could 
10. You know hang around on the wall 
11. Behind him and look over his shoulders 
12. to make sure his snappy and all.
13. Father snapped me once, caught me 
14. sneaking around his office at home 
15. Looking at the stuff on his wall-hand guns,
16.  plaques,a sword, medals , a rifle ---------
17. told me that was no place for a boy,
18. Only men, when he didn't really 
19. have to tell me because, You know,
20. that photo of Apo on the wall was already 
21. looking at me while I moved around,
22.his eyes following me like he was 
23. that scary Jesus  in the hall way, saying 
24.I know, I know what you've doing.

B.Insight : 

              As we have read the poem of Apo on the wall it shows how important of being a soldier. The life of Filipinos under the administration Marcos reminds people how the power was abused and violence against human rights.
         A father or a soldier is very responsible and loyal official to his boss called Apo.He is a hardworking and obedient person.He did everything his best just to prove that he is a good and right person to be trusted.All his medals,plaques,sword, and rifle proved that he really did well on his job. 
             He was the one who protects Apo.Being busy to his job, he forgot to guide his son.He never teach on how to become a men.
          Based on the poem,the father caught his son sneaking his stuff and looking around to his office,he told that there is no place for a boy,only men.He says,Apo are always looking and following you,like a scary Jesus saying that he knows what you're doing.
              Maybe the father was concerned to his son,he don't want to get involved with the problem of the country.But for us,child has the right to know everything and to understand those things in this world.They have a freedom to discover things and to know everything.
               In this poem it represent the life of a soldier and his son. The sacrifices,achievements and the way of living.Marcos Administration are the one who started "Martial Law",military forces are the one who controlled the country that time.


   Teacher :

1.What do you remember about Ferdinand Marcos ?

      Ans.  *Former President Ferdinand Marcos are the one who started Martial Law.                                           *He is a dictator and he controlled people on his administration.
                *Help a lot of farmers during his period.

2.What do you remember about Martial Law ?
     Ans.   *A lot of people died.
                *Many are against Martial Law and it expressed through poems,songs and novels.
3.Do you think Martial Law was a good or bad time in the Philippine history? Why or why not ?

     Ans.   *Good time.Because the use of manufacturing of guns was stopped.
                *Reinforce of military that are needed due to the violence and crimes.

4.Why should we study this period in the history ?

    Ans.     *Yes it because it will give us knowledge about past.

Student ;

1.What do you remember about Ferdinand Marcos ?
    Ans. *Former President Ferdinand Marcos are the one who ruin a lot of lives of Filipino people. 
            *He is unfair to people.

2.What do you remember about Martial Law ?

   Ans. *A bloody war
            *Reminds of sadness

3.Do you think Martial Law was a good or bad time in the Philippine history? Why or why not ?

    Ans. *Bad, it because multiple lives has been taken without a reason and human rights has been                   discriminated.
4.Why should we study this period in the history ?

    Ans. *To remember and to know the history of Philippines which is the greatest downfall of the nation.